
Participation aux jeux olympiques de Rio 2016. classement:30/37.
Marina da Glória Copacabana, August 8 to 18, 2016.

Bouée >>> B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Finish Points Vitesse du vent
1ere course 4 11 29 30 30 28 10-13 Nœuds
2eme course  26 21 18 19 22 24 23 10 - 14 Nœuds
3eme course 32 32 34 32 32 32 31 10 Nœuds
4eme course 5 6 10 20 23 23 23 12 Nœuds
5eme course 21 21 18 20 21 21 21 21-23 Nœuds
6eme course 20 23 28 28 31 31 31 18-20 Nœuds
7 ème course  24 24 23 19 20 20 19 10 - 11 Nœuds
8eme course 23 26 28 27 29 29 28 9 - 11 Nœuds
9 eme course 31 32 29 33 33 31 11- 14 Nœuds
10 ème course 19 26 26 30 32 34 34 34 12 - 15 Nœuds

Championnat PACA LASER, Ste Maxime, 12-13/03/16, 10/54 (3ème fille).
Championnat Paca, Coych Hyères, 20-21/02/16, 60/73 (10ème fille).
Régate Internationale SKI VOILE INTERNATIONAL, Antibes, 21-24/01/16. 2ème / 12 (2ème fille).

- Qualification aux jeux olympiques de Rio. Alger du 4 au 11 décembre 2015. 

- Championne d'Afrique 2015. Alger du 4 au 11 décembre 2015. 

A large high pressure system has dominated the west and central Mediterranean Sea for a number of days limiting the training opportunities for the men and women hoping to win an Olympic place for their country at the African Laser and Laser Radial Championship.
An early start time had been scheduled for the first day of racing to be sure of catching any local wind.  However it took four hours of patient waiting before a light north easterly wind ruffled the glassy waters and the fleet were called afloat.  The wind strengthened just enough for a start and the mens Laser fleet got away at the first attempt
At the first mark Youssef Aktout TUN rounded just in front of a tight group of 5 from 3 countries who swapped places throughout the race.   Idris Bouhadda ALG was in this group but, unfortunately for him, he was on the course side of the start line at the start.  Downwind speed was the deciding factor in the race, a skill that Manuel Lelo from Angola used to good effect passing Wassim Ziani ALG to finish a close second to Aktout.
The wind strengthened to a maximum 7 knots for the second race which did not change the results for the first two sailors but helped the Seychelles team of Rodney Govinden and Alan Julie into third and fourth position.
In the womens Laser Radial fleet the first three places in race 1 went to Imene Cherif Sahraqui ALG, Khouloud Mansi EGY and Ines Gmati TUN in close racing.  These 3 sailors also shared the first three places of the second race.  In the second race Cherif Sahraqui had the lead at the first mark but was overtaken by Mansi on the first downwind.  Mansi protected her position well including defending a strong attack at the last mark before the finishing first.  Gmati had to work hard on the second upwind to get back to third after being fifth.
Overall Positions after 2 races without discard:
Womens Laser Radial
  1. Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG  3pts
  2. Khouloud Mansi EGY   4pts
  3.  Ines GMATI TUN   5pts
Two more races for the mens and womens fleets were completed on the second day of racing in Algiers.  The light conditions were similar to the first day apart from a small wind shift in the second race which rewarded the sailors in the men’s who chose the right hand side of the course. 
Series leader, Youssef Akrout from Tunsia pushed a little too hard at the start of the third race and scored a disqualification for being early at the start signal instead of another first place.  His loss was a gain for Rodney Govinden SEY whose best result so far of second place became a first place.
Akrout resumed his dominance of the fleet in the second race covering the right hand side of the course to take his third win of the series.  Govinden missed the shift and dropped to fifth while his compatriot, Allan Julie, climbed to second place by taking the opposite side of the second windward leg.
In the womens fleet Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG repeated her 1,2 performance of the first day to maintain her overall lead. After a conservative start in the second row of the second race she had to fight back from a fifth place at the end of the first windward leg.  To finish a good day overall for Seychelles Noha Akil won the start and the first leg of the second race by a large enough margin to secure her first race win of the series.
Although there are still 3 racing days left to sail the remaining 6 races there was a collective sigh of relief in the boat park that the minimum number of races have now been completed for the championship to be valid.  This is particularly important for the countries hoping to gain one of the two remaining 2016 Olympic country places available in each of the single-handed Laser and Laser Radial fleets.
The initiative of the International Olympic Committee requiring that international sports federations have specific continental qualifications as part of their country qualification programme has created a strong interest in Africa. This, in turn, has led to the formation of an African Sailing Federation and several initiatives to develop year on year pan African sailing competitions.  In the Laser and Laser Radial classes 10 countries have taken part in Olympic country qualification events for 2016.
Jeff Martin

Overall Positions after 4 races with 1 discard (all competitors – entry limit of two per country):
Womens Laser Radial
  1.  Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG   4pts
  2. Khouloud Mansi EGY   6pts
  3. Ines GMATI TUN   8pts
  4. Alison Hoareau SEY   10pts
  5. Noha Akil ALG   14pts
  6. Olvya Bakry EGY   18pts
  7. Maoia Mabyaia MOZ   19 pts
  8. Nada Bassossi TUN   24 pts
The wind was late arriving on the third day of racing at the Algerian National Sailing Centre.  When it finally arrived it was the best of the week so far at 9 knots giving the opportunity for stretching legs going upwind. 
In the womens Laser Radial fleet there was a significant change in the top three nations chasing the 2 Olympic country places.   The 3 way competition between Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt is now separated by a single point and all to play for after the leader, Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG scored scored 2 third places after two close races.  Innes Gmati TUN increased the pressure on the Algerian by scoring two wins which moved her up to second place on a tie break with Khouloud Mansi EGY who scored 2 second places.
The mens racing saw more place changes behind series leader Youssef Akrout TUN who has already qualified his country for Rio de Janeiro at the 2014 ISAF World Championship.  Akrout led out the startin the first race of the day but was caught by Ahmed Ragab from Egypt on the second upwind  when Ragab went out to the layline.  Ragab’s glory was short lived when Akrout re-took the lead on the last downwind leg.  Behind him second overall Rodney Govinden had his worst race dropping from third to seventh on the last downwind.  When asked what went wrong Govinden said “I don’t know.  I had a brain lock!”
Govinden still holds on to second overall and the first of the two mens Olympic country qualifying places after finishing second to Akrout in the second race.  4 time Olympian Allan Julie finished third after an eighth in the first race which kept him in fourth overall behind Manuel Leo from Angola. 
There is still a lot of potential for place changing especially if the wind strengthens over the remaining two days.  
Jeff Martin
 Overall Positions after 4 races with 1 discard (all competitors – entry limit of two per country):
Womens Laser Radial
  1. Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG   9pts
  2. Ines GMATI TUN   10pts
  3. Khouloud Mansi EGY   10pts
  4. Alison Hoareau SEY   19pts
  5. Noha Akil ALG   23pts
  6. Olvya Bakry EGY   31pts
  7. Maoia Mabyaia MOZ   32 pts
  8. Nada Bassossi TUN   35 pts
 DAY 4
The fourth day of racing at the African Laser and Laser Championship in Algiers turned out to be the biggest day so far.   The wind speed increased to a sparkling 11 knots in the middle of the afternoon, 3 races were completed, a champion was decided in the Men’s fleet and decisions about Olympic qualification became more clear with Seychelles winning one of the men’s Olympic places.   The decision to sail a third race took advantage of the great sailing conditions instead of taking a chance with a difficult forecast for the last day. 
Co-incidently it also meant that with only one race to be sailed on the final day the results permutations became easier to calculate in advance.
Sailing without the need to country qualify for the Olympics Youssef Akrout TUN enjoyed a pressure free week and scoring another wins to end the week with a perfect maximum score and the African title. Behind him the race was full on for the remaining places.  The experience and speed of Allan Julie came through in the stronger wind as he scored a third followed by 2 second places to move himself into second overall ahead of his fellow countryman Rodney Govinden.
With only one point between 4th and 5th and a further point between 5th and 6th the battle for the remaining men’s place between Ahmed Ragab EGY, Idris Bouhadda ALG and Manuel Lelo ANG is extremely close and will depend on starting, tactics and wind strength.
In the women’s fleet the fight for overall honours and the two women’s country places is between the top three sailors, Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG, Khouloud Mansi EGY and Ines Gmati TUN equally separated by point and well ahead of the chasing pack.  With more first places than her two rivals Gmati lost the opportunity to take advantage of her speed in the stronger wind when she started too early in the third race of the day and was disqualified.
Jeff Martin
 Overall Positions after 4 races with 1 discard (all competitors – entry limit of two per country): 
Womens Laser Radial
  1. Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG   15pts
  2. Khouloud Mansi EGY   16pts
  3. Ines GMATI TUN   17pts
  4. Noha Akil ALG   35pts
  5. Alison Hoareau SEY   39pts
  6. Olvya Bakry EGY   45pts
  7. Nada Bassossi TUN   49 pts
  8. Maoia Mabyaia MOZ   52 pts
The wind on the last day of the African Laser and Laser Radial Championship in Algiers defied the forecast and turned on another good day with only a slight delay at the start.
In the womens fleet, Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG, delighted the home fans by rounding the first mark clear ahead of Khouloud Mansi EGY and Ines Gmati TUN.  She held on to her lead on the reach to the outer loop and on the downwind.  But the wind was increasing into conditions that previously favoured the Tunisian and Egyptian sailors in their 3 way fight to the finish for the African title and the 2 Olympic country places.   After passing the downwind gate Cherif Sahraoui put in a short covering tack while Mansi and Gmati headed out to sea on the left hand side of the course.  When Gmati tacked to cross, a quarter of the way into the leg, she was clearly travelling faster than Mansi and Cherif Sahraoui and slowly ground down her opponents to take the lead.    The Algerian still had a chance of an Olympic place if only she could hold on to second until the last downwind when she should, according to previous form, be faster due to her lighter weight. 
As the 18 year old Tunisian extended her lead, the Algerian kept her second place which she held downwind to finish second in the race, second overall and winner of the second Olympic country split only by the number of first places achieved in the breath taking 3-way tie break.
The mens fleet was equally thrilling.  With the title already won Youssef Akrout from Tunisia scored another bullet – not that anyone had any doubt that he fully deserved to win the title.  The main interest was on the fight for the remaining places and the one remaining Olympic country place after Seychelles secured their place on the previous day. 
Akrout rounded the first mark in the lead closely followed by Manuel Lelo ANG and the Seychelles pair of Rodney Govinden and Allan Juilie, Ahmed Ragab EGY and Idris Bouhadda ALG all fighting for places prizes or the Olympic country place.  Unknown to the group Bouhadda had jumped the start and would end up discarding his final race result.
On the downwind Juile capsized and withdrew from the race but still Ragab needed to overtake Govinden to finish third to win the Olympic country place.  All Lelo could do was sail his best.  Ragab took his chance to pass Govinden in the increasing wind on the second upwind to finish overall one point ahead of Lelo. 
Showing great sportsmanship which typified the spirit of this first African Olympic qualifier Lelo was the first to sail up and congratulate Ragab.
Jeff Martin (ILCA wesite)
 Overall Positions after 10 races with 1 discard (all competitors – entry limit of two per country):
Womens Laser Radial
  1. Ines GMATI TUN 18pts  (2,3,3,4,1,1,2,1,[ufd],1)
  2. Imene Cherif Sahraoui ALG 18pts (1,2,1,2,3,3,1,[4], 2,3)
  3. Khouloud Mansi EGY 18pts (3,1,2,3,2,2,[4],2,1,2)
  4. Noha Akil ALG 35pts (5,6,4,5,[dsq],4,3,5,3,4)
  5. Alison Hoareau SEY 46pts (4,4,5,1,6,5,7,[8], 7,7)
  6. Olvya Bakry EGY 50pts (7,5,7,6,5,[8], 5,6,4,5)
  7. Nada Bassossi TUN 55 pts ([8], 8,8,8,4,7,6,3,5,6)
  8. Maoia Mabyaia MOZ 60 pts (6,7,6,7,7,6,8,7,6,[dsq])

- Interligue Laser, 14 Novembre 2015. Saint Raphael. 23/58. 4ème Fille.

Semaine Olympique Française à la rochelle - Du 5 au 10 Octobre 2015. 33/37. Résultats

Régate interligue Laser PACA. 19-20 septembre 2015. Martigues. 14/51, 3ème fille. Résultats

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